Leana’s Message
I AM SOOOOOOO BLISSED!! One of the most precious gifts I have ever received is the honor of meeting each & everyone I have met and will meet. So many of you have such beautiful & amazing words for me but YOU must know that it is I who is forever grateful for you in my life, no matter the size of the role. With every heartfelt conversation and healing that took place for you, I too was awarded the same if not more by your presence. Without each of you touching my life in the profound ways that you have, I would not be where I AM today. Without you to share the Ascended Masters with, I would have been robbed of such an incredible experience of Divinity. I AM THE LAW OF GRATITUDE FOR ALL WHO HAVE GRACED MY PATH! I AM GRATEFUL for you all, for without you fulfilling our contracts I would not be able to manifest my Divine Purpose for this embodiment. It is each of you that is to be honored for your remarkable genius & unbelievable gifts you gave to me. I AM Grateful to all, my beloved friends….my soul family.
In Much Love & Light,

Kelcey W ~ Atlanta Georgia
“Leana is truly amazing and beautiful in every aspect of life. Honest and real – her energy is unrivaled, and transcendental, The knowledge which she shares instantly sparks and fuses a desire to learn from her and receive her gift of communication. When we first met, I had already believed she would be a best selling author before we finished our first full conversation. She broadened my perspective & helped to open my mind to an infinite source of knowledge that lies within. I AM forever grateful & consider myself a friend!”

Nicole ~ NJ
My father met Leana met at a conference. She had no idea my mother, his wife, passed. But some how my mom came through to her. The conversation my dad had with Leana was so helpful to him in letting my mom go. He told us all about her, how amazing she was and how she helped him to get over mom. We were all grateful.
A year later my father had a car accident and died. My brothers and I were lost. I believe my parents knew we needed guidance and the only way to get through to us was to find their way to Leana. My father came to her unexpectedly. We have a mutual friend who reached out to us to let us know Leana had been contacted by my father. I spoke to Leana about everything. My heart felt lifted, my eyes are now open, and my outlook on life is different
Leana’s vast knowledge is incredible and after talking to her I now try to live for the moment and if I feel lost I remember our conversation to get myself back on track. Thank you Leana

Rosemary R ~ Florida
“I Just had the most incredible experience with the help of Leana! What a gift from above. She’s amazing with unbelievable abilities. She was right on target with all my issues & my physical pain was just disappearing during the session. After, I had the most incredible nights sleep & woke up without the horrific headache & knee pain I had been experiencing, Cleared years of “childhood stuff” in one session. So looking forward to another session!”
Anikiko ~ Australia
“Working with Leana is like taking a sword and effortlessly cutting away the hardest thickest tangled mess inside you that you didn’t even know how to shift to feel freedom again.
Kris F. ~ Arizona
“My session with Leana was so revealing and filled with Light. She gently helped me see my root fear and guided me on how to remove it. It was like no other session I’ve experienced in the past from others
because I did the work myself with Leana’s assistance. It showed me that Light and Divine Assistance has always been there for me. Now I can ask for their assistance and know I am receiving it. What tremendous joy and freedom this has given me. I so appreciate Leana for her expert guidance. Much love Leana!
Barbie S.
“Leana is the most giving, loving, caring, compassionate person I have ever known. Her energy is contagious, and just makes you want what she has. She is an open ended book of knowledge and never tires of explaining things over and over. She has changed my life in so many ways and through her meditation’s, questions and answers has gotten me through some very trying times. With the help of her and the divine, she was able to unlock something that has been in me since I was a little girl. She also got rid of some of my knee pain that was keeping me from moving forward. I still have a lot of work to do on myself and issues I’m struggling with on a daily basis. I’m praying with the help of Leana and the divine and myself I will get to the bottom of these things that are still lingering in me and causing me great sadness. I am forever Grateful for the day Leana came into my life. She is just one amazing lady with a beautiful heart and soul.
Aneta G. ~ Toronto Canada
“My English is not enough to say what I feel right now …just so light and free!
You are an amazing woman full of love and power and compassion !
I admire you
I appreciate you
I love you
Things will never be the same because of you
Cybèle B. ~ Québec, Canada
“WoW What an amazing private session I had with Leana. I feel I know her for ever even if it’s the first time I speak with her!!! A very special moment, I’m so Grateful that I did a private session. I feel lighter and more clarity.
Bless you Leana I’m Grateful that you share your time, your passion and your power with us. More private session coming for sure!!! Thank You for being You. Divine Love & Gratitude”
Aniko ~ Australia
“I’m still giggling and feel sparks of “otherness” touching my soul after my very insightful session with Leana. She’s refreshingly rebellious in an authentic way that just invited me to recognise where I was still living a facade of happiness. She helped me see exactly what I will and won’t accept into my life at the next level I want to live and in the session called assistance in to help nurture that space.
The session was a calling and reconnecting to such a powerful lighthouse who is my soul family. Thank you Leana.
I recommend Leana to anyone who feels curious or has an inner nudge to reconnect to a deeper self and freedom. “
Bonnie G. ~ North Carolina
“In one session Leana was able to assist me in remembering what my purpose is to shift me out of limited 3D thinking into 5D consciousness. The few messaging changes we discussed made a big difference in the conversations and results I’m having assisting others!”
Carol M. ~ Arizona
“My session with Leana was an eye opening, light filled redirect. She dissolves the unnecessary, cuts through the noise I created in my World. Illuminating my constant search for someone to Fix Me! As Leana’s laser vision allowed me to plainly see that was a journey without end! For – I Am the outermost projection of the Divine Creator.
Hallelujah with Gratitude”
Carol C. ~ USA
“I love and adore Leanas spirit. Your meditation unlocked a door for me that I have searched for my whole life. I am so grateful for the books of life. It has all changed my life!! Healed my leg! I AM divine love. I AM divine gratitude. I AM divine truth. I AM DIVINE POWER. Thank you for showing me the way.
I have to tell you the mental picture I have when I step into my Christ (SUIT) Self… it’s a body suit of light. It fits like a glove. I see me put it on and after I get in it. I dance about with joy. It looks like Casper the friendly ghost dancing! If I even sense a hint of something not right around me I do a check to make sure my suit is on tight!
I have not had a moment of discord since I found my light suit (Christ self)!! I AM joyful to no end. I am The Golden Age!!!!! Amazing to feel love shoot from your heart into the sky and shower down on the earth. I feel it flow through my chest. It’s soooooo amazing!!
Furthermore, I shared the info with a friend who was in discord in her home and in one day it all turned around!! GOD is healing hearts and opening doors all around me. I know you are busy so I won’t go on and on. I am so very grateful for your service to humanity.”
Bob F. ~ New Jersey
“I write this with a heart full of love, joy, and peace, after my session with Leana today. I had lost my way and strayed from the path. No longer. Today I felt the holy spirit for the first time in my 63 years. I would strongly suggest that everyone book time with her. She is a wealth of knowledge and can deliver it in way that will leave you wanting more. My wife and I love her, and feel so blissed to have her presence in our lives.”
Michelle S. ~ Nevada, USA
Thank you so very much for our session today! I didn’t know what to expect but I never imagined it would be so powerful! You’ve definitely helped me gain more insight and clarity to this new journey I’m on. The channeling was beyond words and the release of so much negative past emotions has left me feeling energized and peaceful at the same time. I’ve already told several people they have to schedule a private session with you! I AM A DIVINE SPIRIT”
Erich F. ~ USA
“I had a private session with Leana and the intuition, love, power, and respect that she showed me was a blessing She pulled out years of muck and negativity from a painful childhood. She knew me in ways that are difficult to describe other than to say she was there to bring immediate clarity of heart and lightness of soul. She gave me the boost, to move forward and with better purpose. I am so grateful and am choosing more time with her. In love and light.”
Traci S. ~ California USA
I just finished my personal session with Leana. I felt it important to let others know how Safe and Gentle this experience was.
Allowing Leana to guide me (with The Divine’s Guidance) to my inner truth, I was able to reveal and heal the most incredible puzzle piece on my personal journey.
Leana lovingly holds this Divine space to “Remember Who You Are” to reclaim / re-integrate your truth forever.
If you go into a session, which I highly recommend to anyone in search of clarity, you will not be disappointed. With Lean’s assistance, I changed my World forever.
I AM Divine Love and Divine Gratitude, beyond words.
Kimberly L. ~ Indiana USA
My Appointment with Leana is One that I Choose to Remember ~ it Released me from Myself & Allowed My True Self to Shine/ Step Forward.
The Start of My appointment Was like Greeting a Close Friend/ Family Member I hadn’t Seen in a Long Time. She made me Comfortable & Relaxed ~ Asked me What Was
I Seeking/ Wanting to Happen in this time with Her. I Replied that I wanted to Find Myself & Be Myself /Who I Really Am. She Smiled & Said – I Will Guide You. You will Find Your Way & Choose What Direction To Go.
I Was Able to Release a Deep Down Hurt Many Years Ago Forgotten. It Has Been a Couple of Weeks Now & I am Lighter/Happier & Continuing On My Path. It
Was Not Only in My Stomach & Head but Tucked Deep Into My Heart.. Stuck – Like Boots That Get Suctioned Down Deep Into the Mud. With Patience, Strength & Trust It
Releasing Old Stagnant Anger/Hurt / Pain is Amazing! It is Your Choice to Release & Be Who You Are. Leana Allows You to Find that Stagnant / Whatever it is that Needs to be Released. She Guides You, Stands Beside You, Helps You See / Feel & Then When You are Ready…Release. She is Right Beside You Guiding You!
Memory of Thankfullness I Have For This~
A True Blissing!
Wendy V. ~ California USA
It was just 2 months ago when I first heard Leana speak. Immediately, I experienced an Intuitive Knowing of the TRUTH she spoke. Her fisty, fun, loving wisdom is so refreshing I felt I had known her for decades.
I became a Divine Freedom Member and found Leana’s gift to Simplify complicated subjects (ie: Quantum Physics & Higher Realms) offered an opportunity for me to swiftly comprehend and implement daily practices that produced lightning quick results.
After 20 years of practicing daily transcendental meditation and seeking continual Spiritual Truth /Evolution I began to feel I had hit a ceiling in my Spiritual progression. I booked a private session with Leana and through that one session I broke Free from barriers and pain I had not consciously identified on my own.
My Spiritual experience during our private session was so profound, finite words cannot do it justice. As a result, I AM Happy, Joyous and Free! People I’ve never met are approaching me and feeling my raised Vibration and Energy. My Heart is filled with LOVE and I AM Manifesting expeditiously. I AM creating deeper more stimulating relationships and have a crystal-clear vision for my humanitarian project. Best part of this experience arrived as soon as I stopped crossing my husband’s domain. WOW! This one item has shifted our relationship so profoundly. I AM BLISS!
My opulent journey expands every time I tap into the Group Consciousness of Leana’s Member’s Meditations. I send Gratitude and Love to Leana, her team and the Divine members for sharing their Divine Gifts with me.
I AM the Law of Gratitude.
Gita J.
I am trying to find the words to express how grateful I am to the Creator that I found you and your incredible mission. You must be inundated with emails and extremely busy so no need to reply. I just wanted to express how deep and awe inspiring your meditations and teachings go for me and I am sure for everyone who is fortunate enough to hear them. You explain complex truths very simply and clearly. You totally flesh out previous knowings and also the remembering is flooding back!
Yesterday’s webinar was the most amazing to date. Still in the zone and I will definitely be sitting with that information for a good few days!
Once again sending much love and gratitude to you beautiful Leana.
Linda G. ~ Oregon USA
What a breakthrough session with Leana! I got unstuck from something I thought was dealt with from long ago. My physical body had healed but my mental and emotional bodies still needed healing from Jesus, Mother Mary and archangels. Now I am free of all the things attached to that event which affected me my whole life. Such Love and Gratitude to Leana!
Nancey M. ~ Indianna USA
I have been hunting all my life for a reason why I have strong instincts, intuitions, gut feeling, what ever you call it when it hits you. I went to psychics, counselors, meditations, reading voraciously which was my normal go to( I professionally am a hard science person, chemist, metallurgist, materials engineer). I was always questioning the “COVID”. Did not make sense, but followed like a real good sheep, until the word “experimental” came through. That did it, but I was still hunting. Just went the other direction. My gut says – there was more to it. My faith and “gut” lead me to Charlie Ward, a calm, practical person “Just Charlie”. Then I met Leana. WOW! Talk about bells and whistles.
I went to her site, listened to a lot of meditations, joined the members site and still something needed work. The private session was the chance and my “Gut” told me MOVE IT! Leana assists you to find the core problem that can keep you from fully opening or connecting. The ascended masters and all the beautiful guides were there to protect and assisting me to dig deep into my life to find the barrier to my ascension. Leana also assisted me in finding the meditations that could continue to assist me. Do not be afraid or self-conscious about asking and digging.
Kerry A. ~ Oregon USA
I had an amazing private session with Leana. What she does is allow you to hear your own I AM presence (she does this by speaking with your I AM presence with her own I AM presence) so that you can know what it is you are truly feeling, needing and knowing to release and transmute for your highest and greatest healing. I was able to heal (with the assistance from the Ascended Masters, Lord Jesus, and Mother Mary) the small child inside me that I was from the human trauma that she experienced at that time. That trauma was what had shaped who I was, everything I did, and everything I had become. And now it’s gone, and I AM the Divine Christ Consciousness, I AM the Divine Creator.

Wayne S ~ New York
Leana’s teachings totally blew my doors off. I read all kinds of books to awakening, the secret etc. but nothing really clicked until her class. There is absolutely no way you can ever expect what you will receive. I can’t possibly give enough Gratitude because Leana gives you the Key to open the door, once you’re in it’s INFINITE opportunities. She has changed my life & I AM EXTREMELY GRATEFUL! “

Judy E. ~ Riverton Wyoming
“The changes we are experiencing are so difficult. Leana assists us to find our way. Truly a light in the darkness and struggle. “

Rob S. ~ New York
“On my sojourn to remember my own history I have experienced many channels who have been in contact with Spirit, some of the energies are of our dearly departed but most have been of the Angelic kind. It is an amazing experience when the message or detail rings true within. Your heart does not lie, that is strictly a human attribute.
A few months back I had the opportunity to meet in group and participate in a live channel with Leana, that day she was channeling Archangel Gabriel. This was my first time participating in a live channel with Gabriel.
The initial message from Gabriel was beautiful and encouraging. Gabriel spoke of honoring our bodies and went around the circle with the ability to point out what we ate before bed the past night. It was so accurate that we were all left speechless. (only my wife new I ate the whole sleeve of Oreo’s)
Our conversation with Gabriel was so insightful. As we asked our questions of the Gabriel we received answers that were pointed at times and always revealing.
My experience that day initiated a self evaluation of almost everything in my life.
Don’t expect that the image of the Angel above the Manger is of a soft and gentle spirit. My experience that day was profound, there was a cold hard truth to the answers given and a real reality check occurred within me.
I highly recommend that everyone participate in this experience. There is no limit to the type of questions you can asked. Just be prepared for the accuracy as it rings true within!”

Mark Ronzoni ~ Long Island, NY
“Leana utilizes her multidimensional insight & vast wisdom of spirituality to assist individuals down their own personal path of inner learning, truth & self realization. A journey I AM excited to be on as I now Create My Life the Way I desire!!”

Joanne F. ~ New Jersey
“Sometimes you believe there’s MORE than we experience on earth. Your doubt and fear play havoc on your mind, then comes Leana and she removes all that doubt & fear!”