Decree for Divine Freedom

We call to the One true Divine Creator of all that is, beloved Lord Jesus Our Beloved I Am our Christ Consciousness.  We accept the words in the promise of Lord Jesus when two or more gather in his name  our will be done so we gather here in your name, Lord Yeshua to invoke the Divine Will and the Divine Creator to assist us.

Infuse within us Divine Love, Divine Truth and Divine Power As we accept our Divine Righteousness an alignment with the will of the Divine Creator     Let Divine Love, Divine Truth and Divine Power wield Divine Protection and take Dominion over the Earth and over every woman, man and child  on this planet     Infuse the Christ Consciousness and the Power of the Divine Creator to protect all the children all the elderly and all the innocents.

We call to our Mighty I Am presence and Lord Yeshua/Jesus to have everything that is of deception revealed into the light of divine truth.

We call to our Mighty I Am presence and Lord Yeshua/Jesus  to have everything that is of fear revealed into the light of divine love.

We call to our Mighty I Am presence and Lord Yeshua/Jesus to have everything that is of control, enslavement to be revealed into divine power.

We call to our Mighty I Am presence and Lord Yeshua/Jesus to have everything of privation to be revealed into Divine abundance

We call to our Mighty I Am presence and Lord Yeshua/Jesus to have everything of disease be brought into divine perfect health.

We call to our Mighty I Am presence and Lord Yeshua/Jesus to have everything of aging be brought into Divine youth. 

Let the Divine Love,  Divine Truth & Divine Power in alignment with the Divine Creator be reestablished as our Divine Freedom,  our Free Dominion NOW and forever!!!

My Mighty I Am and beloved Lord Yeshua/Jesus by the LAW of Divine Love by the LAW of Divine Truth and the LAW of Divine Power I know that I Am the power and authority on earth to command life free and then return to Divine Wholeness of everything on it. I call to the Divine Creator, Lord Yeshua/Jesus and Divine Love to establish the golden age of enlightenment in true Divine Sister and Brotherhood on earth.   

I AM the Victory of Divine Free Dominion and let the Victory of the Divine Will of the Divine Creator prevail on this beautiful earth now and forever

We call to our Mighty I Am Presence and Lord Yeshua/Jesus to see that we are kept free and safe from all things on this planet now & to come as we await the fulfillment of our decree for Divine Freedom.

Our mighty I Am Presence and Lord Yeshua /Jesus stand guard over this decree so that only Divine Goodness enters into this call. 

Now all those who choose to accept this as their decree to make it so…. Simply State As the King Or Queen of your Dominion you choose to accept this decree   

With the Authority given to We The People as The King of Our Dominion and as the Queen of our Dominion in alignment with Our Mighty I Am Presence and Lord Yeshua/Jesus so this has been written so it has been done. Let it be maintained, sustained, self maintaining and self-sustaining  by the power of the One True Divine Creator !!!

Hallelujah, Praise The Lord!