Guided Meditations
The Masters Have Given Us, Through The Word, What is Needed to Wake Up Mankind and Accept Our Divine Righteousness Through Divine Love, Divine Truth & Divine Power. The Guided Meditations are Now Given to Assist in Taking Action to BE The Divine Creators We Are & Shift Mankind to The Timeline of The Golden Age.
Lord Yeshua: Assisting You In Bringing the Christ Light Into all aspects of Self. Raise your Frequency in your Cellular memory to illuminate darkness and dark programming into The True Christ Light That You Are.
AA Gabriel takes you into His Temple of The Violet FLames and assist us to remove programs such as unworthiness, fear etc. Yeshua/Jesus assists in Magnifying His Divine Righteousness in Our Field to create the Life we Desire.
This Guided Meditation is the Start to Merge The Lower Aspect with The Higher Aspects of Self, Your I AM Presence, Causal Body & Christ Body, Assisting Is Lord Sananda/Yeshua & The Angelic Realm in Opening Your Heart To Accept Divine Love. When You are Illuminating The Three Fold Flame of Divine Righteousness, You are Guided to Begin Focus on Shifting To The Timeline of The Golden Age.
This One Was Awesome!! Walk Through A gorgeous field where you bring in the Higher Realms of Self, Lord Yaweh, Mother Mary, Ascended Masters of The Great White Brotherhood, The Angelic & Arch Angelic Realm to Remove all 3D Programs & Open Up The Pineal Gland.
Igniting The Flames Of Your Heart.
WOW, I Loved this One. Went into and through the 6 chambers of the Heart and Then Finally Through The Golden Door into The 7th and Center Chamber of Your Heart, There the 3 Little abandoned Flames of Divine Love, Truth & Power were gasping for Life and We Exploded Them into All Power, eliminating all the Garbage Programs Stored in the Outer Chambers of Your Heart!
Choosing & Claiming Divine Freedom. Why do we struggle, suffer and continue to experience sadness or heartbreak? Because WE CHOOSE TO!! Utilizing YOUR OWN DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS You burn all the programs and beliefs that keep you enslaved in the old system of choosing darkness instead of Divine Love, Light & FREEDOM!!
AMAZING!!! Loved this one. You stand with Yeshua as He assists you in leaving the 3D bodies and become The Christ Consciousness. As you experience being The Christ Light and as The Christ Light you clear your own physical, mental, emotional & etheric body from all 3D garbage and blast open your pineal gland. Now you have remembered that YOU ARE The Christ Consciousness and just utilizing the 3D body as a tool.
An Amazing Healing Meditations that takes you to the Higher levels of self. First Journey into the deepest state of self where you meet Mother Mary, AA Raphael, AA Michael and LORD Yeshua in the Healing Temple. There you release all the Third Dimensional garbage and raise up to your fifth Dimensional Aspect or Higher, claiming Your Divine Righteousness and The Golden Age Timeline.