Hi, I Appreciate You visiting. This Page it not only an an Amazing place to start but its my favorite page. Its a great Library to get even the most seasoned person back on track!! Start from the top and work your way down. The Top One, “See, Feel, Know Jesus”, is my Ultimate Favorite…..So sit back, relax and Enjoy!!!! Love, Leana
Lady Nada/ Miriam Magdalene explains the truth that is being exposed on our planet & Divine Truth in Alignment w/ the Earth Alliance & Galactic Federation delivering 40Hz Gama Waves for the Great Awakening & The Shift to the 5D Timeline. Drawing these freq. into the Light Body in Preparation to become The Shepherds of the New Timeline.
Lord Yeshua, Sananda, Jesus explaining the importance of remembering who you really are…Your Divine Truth, Power and Love. Remember when we walked with Him. Its time to remember who you are and He assist us in filling our essence with our Remembrance of Our Divine Righteousness!
Lady Nada & Lord Yeshua, Sananda, Jesus…We have forgotten who We are, We stored the codes within our DNA for this time, knowing we would have amnesia, and how to restore our Divine Righteousness into our beingness with the assistance of Lord Sananda/ Yeshua/Jesus!!
Divine Mother Mary, The Divine Virtue of Focus and how important Focus is in Creating your desires and bringing Peace to your world.
Mary gives to all who wish to accept it, her Aquamarine Cloak of Divine Love, Compassion, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Bliss, Healing. As you wear this cloak you bring all these virtues to the world and the Angels will Sing great Bliss to you.
This Channeling is one of my favorites. It is full of Amazing information. It is approx 1 hour but It had to be broken into 2 parts due to the constraints of our web page. There is so much insight the descriptions do not do it justice!
Hope you enjoy it as much as I.
Part 1
Master Kuthumi, World Teacher explains how we came into existence, Our God Parents & how we had free will from the beginning. He explain how our planet, Earth, was created & our part in the creation process. Understanding the intricacies of this He continues to explain the LAW of Creation, how we chose to be co-creators utilizing our 7 senses with our Physical brain, our human mind & Divine mind to create our desires. He also explains how the LAW was inverted causing us to lose out Divine Creation Ability.
Part 2
Master Kuthumi Continues with how the Great Shift is actually occurring. How the Dark Forces manipulated the Law and we allowed ourselves to buy into it, eliminating our true Divine Creator Abilities. We are so used to Fear as our normal that when we remove it it leaves an uncomfortable feeling and how our Human Mind, seeks out more fear to alleviate the void. He explains how to finally remember who we really are & to finally overcome & Co-Create as was intended plus so much more.
AA Michael brings to us the protection of the First Ray. The Flame of Divine Power which is Divine Protection. When you couple the 3 Fold Flame of; Divine Truth, Divine Love & Divine Power, You Stand in The Power of The Divine Creator & You have Put on The Armour of The Divine! There is no more Fear or Struggles when You Unite Your 3 Fold Flames. AA Michael also introduces You to One of the Angels under his legion to Assist You Whenever You Request His Assistance.
Lady Nada delivers such a simplified message on How to Create & Manifest. We have arrived and it is time to do what we came here to do, remember. She made a pact with us; that when we arrived at the time to remember & wake up she would let us know. Now she is letting us know by explaining, as only she can, so eloquently and simply, how to be the great Creators that We Are!!
AA Gabriel Explains True Divine FREEDOM! FREE DOMINION! Through all aspects of self. How we exist on many dimensions & how we can not remember in our 3D Mind Divine Free Dominion because we have not experienced it here in this embodiment. He, with assistance of Mother Mary & Focus, encapsulates you in a Noise Free Bubble bubble so you can experience & remember Divine Free Dominion!! Very Powerful.
Lord Sananda Speaks on Our Mastery and Ascension. Discusses how Covid Virus has one purpose, FEAR. Fear Keeps the Dark Matrix operational and how to remove Fear and Allow it to Pass You By. When Fear is eliminated from our being there is no aging, disease, discomfort & everything we need & desire is laid at our feet we just have to accept it. Lord Sanada Holds You in HIS Divine Love so you can REMEMBER……AMAZING FEELING!!!!
Ashtar of The Galactic Federation Discusses The Dispensation to assist the Human Race in Disconnecting from the bondage of the Matrix, Evil and the Timeline. He speaks on the Importance of remembering how powerful we really are and the effects that will be happening to people when the disconnect happens. Ashtar speaks of the Alliance between The Galactic Federation, The Arcturians, The Pleiadians, and Yes ‘The Republic” (that’s the New Restored Republic of The World). Enjoy The Ride and Spread the Word!
Serapis Bey Chohan of the 4th Ray, The Ascension Flame and reminds us how many lined up to embody and how he sponsored & petitioned to the Karmic Board for us to have embodiment and what a great Gift it is to have this embodiment. He speaks of our knowing him and us Mastering The Ascension Flame and it is Time to remember. We came here to Ascend, and the importance of completing our Ascension in this embodiment.
St Germain reminds us of the disconnecting from the matrix and we are beginning a new way. It is Vital that we focus on the inner knowing of who you are. Followed by Ashtar who explains it is time to step up and become the NEW Ambassadors of Light. He addresses all who have chosen before embodiment to be Ambassadors of Light. To work together.
Lord Sananda/ Yeshua explains the Causal Body and the Etheric Body and how we must transmute all the discord we created before we can ascend to the higher realms. He explains how we can clear all the sludge from our lower bodies and utilize the Causal Body to access all our Power, Our Christ Consciousness and Our Abilities of Greatness to replace the sludge and raise up into our Christ Consciousness.
Lord Sananda/ Yeshua: Accept the Christ Consciousness. This is a most Amazing Powerful experience! Lord Sananda, The Christ Consciousness, merges with our own Christ Consciousness for us to remember the Christ Consciousness. Lord Sananda does a MOST POWERFUL DECREE on our behalf to remove discord that keeps us from Accepting our Christ Consciousness.
Arch Angel Michael directs us in the utilization of the Christ Consciousness to dissolve the dark/shadow forces on the 3d plain while He and the Legions of Angels battle the dark / shadow forces on the Astral Plane so we can save our race and the world form Darkness.
This Channeling is ANOTHER one of my favorites. It is Mighty victory teaching how to become victorious in all situations & is full of Amazing Insight to why we struggle so much and how anything charged with Divine life will always be victorious!! It is approx 1.2 hours but It had to be broken into 2 parts due to the constraints of our web page.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I.
Part 1
Mighty Victory, Explains why it is so important to self govern our feeling world and if we chose to accept it, charges our actions with his Victorious Consciousness. He Decrees with us and for us to accept it and to remove the Human Opinion, our feeling world, so we can stay in Harmony and Create Victorious Accomplishments in Alignment with our Divine Plan.
Part 2
Mighty Victory, named this by the Ascended Masters because He only knows Victory, His consciousness knows no defeat, it will not accept it. It knows no compromise, it will not accept it. It only knows Glorious Victorious accomplishment and he explains the currents of energy and Life Force Behind it.
Mighty Victory, named this by the Ascended Masters because He only knows Victory, His consciousness knows no defeat, it will not accept it. It knows no compromise, it will not accept it. It only knows Glorious Victorious accomplishment and he explains the currents of energy and Life Force Behind it.
Part 1
Mighty Victory speaks about the power of your feeling world that is life & charges your decrees in order to create victorious. The importance of learning how to connect to to your victorious feeling to amplify & create harmony and freedom within self and our world. How to gain the Divine Righteousness that is ours and to charge our actions with Mighty Victory’s consciousness to create Victorious Accomplishments!
Part 2
A magnificent question and answer period which applies to all. Question concerning ego: the human side, gets in the way & prevents creation, so how do we get around such things? He explains in simple detail how all the Power that the darkness holds is our own power being used against us. This is why we are struggling to create. We must balance our own life energy, our power that is being used against us because we gave it away. He explains how to claim back all we have given away freely by contractual agreements so we can create VICTORIOUS accomplishments. And so much more.!!
Arch Angel Gabriel informs us that the Solstice energy unlocked the key to Your I AM Illumination. He explains how to utilize your I AM Presence to live in the fifth dimensional self and how to travel to the 6th dimension, fluid love, and illuminate yourself with this fluid love energy.
Arch Angel Uriel Uriel spoke about the comprehension of Divine Truth and reiterated you NEVER “understand”, you comprehend. Lady Magdalene spoke about Divine Knowledge and to call upon her to infuse us with the Divine knowing & knowledge
Arch Angel Uriel continues his mission of assisting us to remember Divine Righteousness which consists of Divine Love, Divine Truth & Divine Power. AA Uriel Speaks about comprehension of Divine Truth and how it is intertwined with Divine Love and only then can you illuminate Divine Power. He also informs us how we absorb all the “garbage” from the lower 3D through our manipulated Chakras and how to bring them back to a convex sphere where they radiate and illuminate instead of absorb.
Arch Angel Uriel continues with Divine Power, explaining the Force behind it to Create it. If you are not illuminating Divne Truth & Divine Love you are not creating Divine Power you are indeed creating Power with your focus but not of the Light but of the Darkness that has been programed through Lifetimes in Your Cellular Memory. AA Gabriel & Uriel will hold you in Divine Love and Divine Truth assisting you to remove the Darkness so you can be The Divine Powerful Creator That you are.
Mother Mary hold us in Divine Perfected Love. calling in the Angelic Realm to Assist. She invites us on a journey with her to remember that we ARE Divine Perfected Love and in Divine Perfected Love we can Create Anything we Desire. She takes us on a journey where she assists us in removing all the blocks and resistance keeping us from This Love.